
5 CyberSecurity Trends In 2022

20th Jan 2022

2021 has been a whirlwind in the cybersecurity space with record ransomware attacks during the year. It seems like last year was just the start of cyberthreats with greater uncertainties looming over us this year. Here are 5 cybersecurity trends companies should take note for 2022:

  1. Greater number of ransomware threats targeting more small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) for digital extortion
  2. Social engineering and supply chain will have an increasing impact on cybersecurity
  3. The vulnerability of IoT will increase due to the rise in connected online devices
  4. There is a need for a greater coordination between companies and the cybersecurity industry to protect against cyberattacks
  5. The government’s growing interest and influence will lead to a greater emphasis on cybersecurity

With these upcoming threats in the new year, companies can implement more proactive cyber defence solutions to automatically detect them without being visible by hackers.

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